Monday, January 27, 2020

Domestic Violence Against Men | Challenges and Solutions

Domestic Violence Against Men | Challenges and Solutions Social Sciences theory for social work Abused Men in Hong Kong:  A need to build a men’s refugee? Kwok Lai Wun Introduction When we talk about domestic violence, it is common that we will think that the abuser is man and the abused one must be woman, but is it the only pattern in reality? Is there any chance for men abused by their partners or family? In fact, there are some news reports that the men victim in domestic violence in Hong Kong has been risen, however, there are limit service provided for them and there are no any confidential accommodation e.g. refugees, to protect their safety. Contrast to men’s situation, in Hong Kong, there are four woman refugee (organized by Po Leung Kuk, Christian Family Service Centre and Harmony house), one family crisis support center by Caritas and one family crisis intervention center (CEASE) by Tung Wah Group of hospitals provided vacancy for abused woman and their child, only two of which provide vacancy for male victims, but none of which are for male only, the one organized by Caritas is public in address, all people can find out their details though website or SWD, so it may have the chance that abuser will come to find the victims and not safety at all. The other one (CEASE) which is a shelter that for different type of people, including abused man and woman. So, in Hong Kong there is no specific shelter or refuge design for men only to provide a confidential short-term accommodation for them and focus on men victim’s needs. If you are men who were abused by your partners or family, where can you go and what so cial service that Hong Kong can provide to you? In this paper, we will have a look on abused man in Hong Kong and is there any need to have a refuge for them will be discussed. What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is violence that takes place within an intimate relationship and family members. Mostly abuser see themselves as the superior one and they will using their power to control other family members or intimate. There are different medium to abuse others, commonly is physical abuse, besides, there are psychological, sexual, financial control, social isolation and emotional abuse. (Po Leung Kuk, Woman Refugee) In 2010, our government had revised the law to â€Å"Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance† which provides civil remedies for victims of family violence. The law stated that â€Å"Spouses or former spouses, heterosexual cohabitants or former heterosexual cohabitants, same-sex cohabitants or former same-sex cohabitants, and other immediate and extended family members can apply to the court for an order against molestation by the other party.† Thus, domestic violence can be appear in both men and women and it is a criminal offence and offenders may be prosecuted. Study of Men and Women using violence It is common that when we discuss domestic violence, we will pop up the image a â€Å"strong† men beaten a â€Å"weak† women, however from the study by Steinmetz (1997a,b,c) found that both men and women may use physical to abuse each other’s in martial conflict, and the percentage was similar, details were below: Study of 54 couples Male Female Thrown objects 39% 31% Pushed or shoved their partners 31% 32% Hit their partners 20% 20% Hit others with an object 10% 10% Study of 52 Canadian college students Male Female Thrown objects 21% 21% Pushed or shoved their partners 17% 13% Hit their partners 13% 13% Hit others with an object 10% 12% Study of 94 randomly selected people Male Female Thrown objects 31% 25% Pushed or shoved their partners 22% 18% Hit their partners 17% 12% Hit others with an object 12% 14% From the three study take part in different place and people, we can see that both men and women react similar to use violence in solving their conflict in marital, especially in the part of â€Å"hit their partners and using object to hit others†, therefore woman also have potential to commit acts of violence in certain circumstances. The study from Steinmetz mainly focused on the medium of using physical to abuse, however, as mentioned before, medium of abused not only in physical but also others types. Current situation in Hong Kong and Others Countries Hong Kong The report of Harmony House state that in recent year, there are risen of abused men case, most of them aged between twenty to twenty four which is 30% of the total case and it rise almost 60% in one year (Oriental Daily, 2013). From their experience, most of their call said that their wives or girlfriend not only physical abuse them, such as kick them and using fingernail to scratches them, women also using psychological abuse towards men, such as ignore their feeling, do not talk with him, using some foul language to abuse him and lower their value at home, sometimes they may urge their husband to watch lust film and make sex to prevent him go out to find the other girls, moreover they may ask for prohibit male to go out with friends and ask him to call home every 5 minutes. Even worst, woman may use the child to threaten the man. Some of the abused men (Apple daily, 2014) (ShingPao, 2014) In addition, social worker Wu Yi Ling from Harmony House said that in the statistic from police between 2011 to 2012, there are 500 married man were experienced in domestic violence, also, statistic from SWD in 2013 also show that there are 692 men were experienced in domestic violence which take 2% of the total domestic violence in Hong Kong, compare to 2012, it increased about 60%. Ms Wu also guess that this is only a few of abused men in Hong Kong since most of them have many hesitation to speak out, seek help and their awareness of domestic violence are weak that they do not think they were abused by their wives or girlfriends. Moreover, from their hotline experience, some cases do not ask for help because they want to maintain the complete family for their child and do not want their child get harm. It shows that men may have some fear from their wife but they can’t find anyplace that can provide them a safety environment to let them take care their children and avoid found by their wife. Actually in the past there is one men refuge in Hong Kong, however in 2005 it was closed. According to the news from oriental daily (2005), the only men refugee in Hong Kong cannot sustain their service since government stop renting the hostel to the organization and they need to use some container located at the farms for chicken as a temp address of the refugees, however the hygiene condition was not satisfy, so the 16 clients should be discharge and some of them may become homeless. Moreover, they criticized that government have gender stereotype in building refugee. From the above discussion, we can see that more and more cases of men suffer in domestic violence were discovered but it is common that they don’t seek help themselves. Although there are some Men’s hotlines provides by SWD, Caritas, Po Leung Kuk and Harmony House and even some group for them but there are no short-term confidential accommodation for them to had protect and men focused counseling service which they may need. Others Countries Similar to Hong Kong, according to the news from the Observer (2010), About two in five of all victims of domestic violence are men, contradicting the widespread impression that it is almost always women who are left battered and bruised. The charitys analysis of statistics on domestic violence shows the number of men attacked by wives or girlfriends is much higher than thought. Its report, Domestic violence mostly sees as a female victim or male perpetrator problem, but from the statistic by Parity show that this is not true. They also said that that men assaulted by their partners are are almost invisible to the authorities such as the police and being ignored, since there are fewer refuges to flee men than women. Moreover, it is largely overlooked by the public or media, in official reports and in government policy, for example in the provision of refuge places in England and Wales are 7,500 for females but only 60 for men. Palmatier (2013) also stated that in the United States, t here is only one shelter for male victims while approximately 1,800 shelters to women and their children. In Canada, there also a domestic violence shelter for men that was run by the late Earl Silverman. It seems that not only Hong Kong, but also others country underestimate the problems of abused men. The reason that the public does not aware the problems and the men do not recognize it may have different reason. Reason that Men doesn’t seek help by social constructs theory The basic assumptions of social constructionism, as described by Crawford Popp (2004) are: (1) Social constructionist focuses on how meaning is created. They suggest that knowledge is an â€Å"account of reality produced collaboratively by a community of knower; knowledge is not only a social product, but a product of a specifically situated society (2) Social construct the power and hierarchy in the society, it shows the result that how one’s differ in status, entitlement, efficacy, self-respect and other traits based on the interactions one is involved in and subjected to. (3) Social construction is a dynamic process. Social constructionists emphasize the complexity of how knowledge is created in social interactions. Knowledge and meanings are not stable or constant; they are co-constructed in interactions with others, negotiated, modified and shifted. People are active in their perception, understanding and sharing of knowledge acquired from their social milieu. It is prudent therefore to consider this process when explaining the social construction of knowledge, including knowledge concerning gender. (4) The individual and society are indissoluble. Social constructionists believed that individuals can create meaning only in relation to what they are exposed to their environment. Paradoxically, the same individuals co-create the meanings that are available in this environment. From the perspective of social construct theory, an individual belief and knowledge are constructed by the social, thus the gender identity is a socially constructed any may vary over time for an individual, it is not a stable, fixed trait. For example, me, I had a belief that I am a girl, and I behave like a â€Å"girl should be† to match the society mainstream value, if not I may be the one that violate the mainstream value and may not accept by the others. Therefore, our gender role are social construct female and male to femininity and masculinity. Each society has a set of expectations, stereotypes and assumptions about what it is to be a man. These can be taken as forming a set of standards regarding what one needs to be and do in order to be a man. For the men situation in Hong Kong, since we are a traditional Chinese society, we belief in some tradition Chinese concept that â€Å"Men are breadwinners while women are housewives Men don’t cry easily not airing ones dirty laundry in public†, those traditional theory construct that the image of men should be strong, cannot ask for help easily and they always as the autonomy role in a family. As we can judged by what we do as a man or as a woman, so that it is common that men believed in those value and do what the gender should be, act to conform to stereotypical gender roles and it is the active engagement in any behavior that is gendered, or behavior that may be evaluated as gendered, for example, when they abused by their wives or girlfriend, they may not reco gnize it is a problem, even they recognize it, to avoid violate the mainstream value and being isolated, they may shame to share with others and only tolerate it. Not only the abused men social constructed their gender role, the public also encourage them to performance in certain way and they should behave like this. For example, daily TV programs, the mainstream media report, advertisement, etc. From the news report by Observer (2010) Men’s rights campaign group Parity’s staff Mays said that Culturally its difficult for men to bring these incidents to the attention of the authorities. Men are reluctant to say that theyve been abused by women, because its seen as unmanly and weak.† Alex Neil from The housing and communities’ minister in the Scottish parliament also said that Both men and women can be victims and we know that men feel under immense pressure to keep up the pretense that everything is OK, Domestic abuse against a man is just as abhorrent as when a woman is the victim. There is common experience share by abused men, and it may the reason that why men have hesitation to seek help from others. Limitation to having a men refuge Although the abused men cases had risen and it is a need to have a men refuge for them, however there are some limitation to urge the men to seek help since they accept the social norms constructed by social and they don’t dare to break the norms so that it is hard for the organization encourage them to be initiative to seek support in the public, for example, Miss Hardie (Daily Mail Report, 2009) said â€Å"There is still a very strong stigma attached to men who say they have been the victims of domestic violence. Most of our referrals will only have decided to come forward after being taken to hospital.† The situation may be similar in Hong Kong, since there are limit case were found in public and the stigma to men were strong too. It may take several years to educate the public and arise their awareness on men’s victim in domestic violence. Conclusion To conclude, research focused on abused men is limit, it seems that it is not a controversial topic over the world, however, the cases of abused men in Hong Kong or others countries has risen in recent years, it may be a signal for us to pay attention the need of them and arise the public awareness to the problems of men victim in domestic violence. Although there are some limitation that men may not take initial to use the service of refuge immediately, but similar to women refuge, though education and promote a new value to public via media or government promotion though the value of â€Å"gender mainstreaming† in their advertisement or on policy to strive for gender equality may reduce the stigma attached to men, and therefore may have a new social constructed gender role to men. So I think whatever the usage rate of the refugee, there is a need to provide a place and focused counseling service for male victim in domestic violence. References Campbell, Denis (2010, Sep 5). More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male,  report reveals. The Observer. Retrieved from   First refuges for battered husbands offer support to male victims (2009, Feb 16). Daily  Mail Reporter. Retrieved form   Gender equality, Wife battered men more than 500 cases a year, estimate that is just a tip  of the iceberg (2014, Feb 17). Apple Daily. Retrieved from Hong Kong Ordinances. (2009). CAP 189 Domestic and cohabitation relationships  violence ordinance. Retrieved from Marecek, J., Crawford, M., Popp, D. (2004). On the Construction of Gender, Sex, and  Sexualities. In A.H. Eagly, A.E. Beall, R.J. Sternberg (Eds.), The Psychology of Gender (pp. 192-216). New York: Guilford Press. Men refuge will close today (2005, May 5). Oriental Daily. Retrieved from Palmatier, Tara J. (2013, Oct 1). Domestic Violence Awareness Month: The Invisible Victims. A Voice for Retrieved from Searchlights: Aggressive, Jealous, Out of Control, Male cannot do anything (2013, Nov  5). Oriental Daily. Retrieved from See-Fung, Liu (2014, July 13). Men also battered by women, abused not only for female.  Singpao. Retrieved from Steinmetz, Suzanne K. (1977a). Cycle of Violence: Assertive, Aggressive and Abusive  Family Interactions. New York: Praeger. Steinmetz, Suzanne K. (1977b). The Battered Husband Syndrome. Vol. 2 (3-4), pp. 501–503. USA. Steinmetz, Suzanne K. (1977c). The Use of Force for Resolving Family Conflict: The  Training Ground for Abuse. The Family Coordinator. Vol. 26 (1), pp. 19–26. doi:10.2307/581856. Yuen-Nam, Chan (2013, Nov 5). Searchlights: Hong Kong female abuse male partner getting younger. Oriental Daily. Retrieved from Properties of Iron: An Introduction Properties of Iron: An Introduction LIYI WEN Iron Physical properties Iron is a silvery-white or light gray metallic. It is ductile and malleable. Toughness is the ability to be involved in the thread. Scalability is the ability to be hammered into thin sheets. It is naturally present in only three of a magnetic element. The other two are nickel and cobalt Iron having high tensile strength. Stretching device, which can be stretched without breaking. Iron is also very feasible. Operability is the ability to bend, roll, hammer, cut, shape, form, or else with the work is to make a metal to a desired shape or thickness. The melting point of pure iron is 1536 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ (2,797  ° F), its boiling point is about 3000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ (5400  ° F). Its density is 7.87 grams per cubic centimeter. Other physical properties of the melting point, boiling point, iron and steel alloys may differ. Classification: Transition Metal The position on the periodic table: Iron is the 26th element on the periodic table. It is located in period 4 and group 8. Electron shell configuration: 2, 8,14,2 à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 3à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Background Iron is one of Earths most common elements. Nearly every construction of man contains at least a little iron. It is also one of the oldest metals, and at least 3,500 years ago, was first shaped into useful and decorative objects. Ferrite is a soft, white metal. Although iron is a common element, iron is almost never found in nature. The only pure iron known to exist naturally comes from fallen meteorites. Most iron is made of iron and other elements combine to form a mineral discovery. Iron oxides are the most common. In those minerals near the surface of the earth, with the highest in the commercial exploitation of iron ore and iron content is known. Iron ore is converted by multiple processes for all types of iron. The most commonly used process is the use of blast furnace to produce pig iron, iron and about 92-94% carbon 3-5% with a small amount of other elements. Iron has only limited use, and most of the iron into steel current where it is added to further reduce the carbon content and other elements, such as manganese, nickel, steel get into the unique properties of various steel alloys. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 4à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ History Historians believe that the Egyptians were the first people with small amounts of iron, about five or six thousand years ago to work. They apparently used a metal extracted from meteorites. What is considered the iron mining and smelting point, the evidence in the first example of ancient Hittite culture is now Turkey’s. Because iron is used in the manufacture of weapons and tools far superior than any other known metallic materials, their production is a closely guarded secret. However, the basic technique is simple, the use of iron and gradually spread. For example, because it is useful for comparison with other materials, iron has disadvantages. Quality tools made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹from it are highly variable, depending on the ore is taken from, and the method for extracting iron area. In particular, the importance of the carbon and metal hardness; chemically change to occur in the extraction process is not understood in. Practices vary greatly in different regions of the world. There is evidence, for example, Chinese people can melt very early iron tools, and amazing accomplishments of a small amount of steel production in Japan, as evidenced by the heirloom sword dating back centuries. A similar breakthrough in the Middle East and in India, but the process has never appeared in other parts of the world. For centuries, Europeans lack methods, iron heated to the melting point of all. Production of iron ore and wood they burn slowly in a clay -lined oven. Iron separated from the surrounding rock, but never completely melted. Instead, it forms a hard shell of slag removal hammer. This repeated process of heating and hammering iron oxide mixed with oxygen to produce iron and carbon is removed from the metal. The result was nearly pure iron, easily shaped with hammers and tongs but too soft to take and keep a good edge. Because the metal is shaped, or forged, by hammering, it came to be known as wrought iron. Tools and weapons ba ck to Europe from the East that has been cast into the shape of iron speak. Retain more carbon, iron harder than wrought iron, will hold a frontier. However, it is more brittle than wrought iron. Eastern Europe fixers know better iron, but do not participate in shaping a stronger ironwork process. Entire nations launched efforts to discover the process. The first known European breakthrough in the production of cast iron , which quickly led to the first practical steel, did not come until 1740 , in this year , the melting point of the material Benjamin Huntsman took out a patent for the production of steel springs to use the watch manufacturer . In the next 20 years or so, the process becomes more widely adopted. Huntsman is used to melt iron in the blast furnace of clay crucible. He then carefully added value measurements of pure carbon to molten metal. The resulting alloy is both strong and flexible, when cast into a spring. Since Huntsman initially only interested in making a bet ter clock, his crucible steel led directly to the marine chronometer, which in turn makes the development of a global navigation to determine their east / west position by allowing the sailors accurately. In fact, he also invented the modern metallurgy is a side effect, he apparently did not notice. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 5à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ A detailed description of the historical use of the iron metal and the iron metal on society: Iron objects have been found in Egypt dating from around 3500 BC. They contain about 7.5% nickel, which indicates that they were of meteoric origin. Asia Minor, todays Turkey, the ancient Hittites, were the first to smelt iron from its ores around 1500 BC and this new, stronger, metal gave them economic and political power. Iron age began. Certain types of iron, it is obviously better than others depending on the carbon content, although this is not realized. Some ore containing vanadium production called Damascus steel, ideal sword. The first person to explain the various types of iron was Renà © Antoine Ferchault de Rà ©aumur who wrote a book on the subject in 1722. This explained how steel, wrought iron, and cast iron, were to be distinguished by the amount of charcoal (carbon) they contained. The Industrial Revolution which began that same century relied extensively on this metal. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 6à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Extraction Iron ore has undergone several stages between the final product and steel. In the first stage, iron ore, limestone and coke is heated (pure carbon) in a blast furnace. Blast is a very large oven temperature can reach 1500 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ (2700  ° F). Removed in blast furnaces, coke oxygen from iron ore: Removing iron impurities limestone. Iron produced by this method is about 91-92% pure. The main impurities are left from the coke used in the furnace. This form is called pig iron. Pig iron is usually too brittle (it breaks too easily) to use in most products. Most scientists believe that the Earths core consists of a lot of iron. Many methods have been developed for the purification of iron. Common method used today is known as the basic oxygen process. In this process, molten pig iron in a large oven. Then pure oxygen gas is blown through the molten pig iron. Oxygen to burn more carbon in the iron: Though now obsolete, once the main source of heat iron stove for families, as well as the means for cooking. A small amount of carbon remains in the iron. The iron produced in this reaction is known as steel. The term steel actually refers to a wide variety of products. The various forms of steel all contain iron and carbon. They also contain one or more other elements, such as silicon, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, zirconium, molybdenum, and tungsten. Two other steel-like products are cast iron and wrought iron. Cast iron is an alloy of iron, carbon and silicon. Wrought iron contains iron and any one or more of many other elements. In general, however, tends to contain little wrought carbon. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 7à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœBlast Furnace à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 8à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœIron à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 9à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœiron ore à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 10à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœSteel [7] [8] [9] [10] Isolation Isolation: It usually does not require laboratory with iron, because it is possible to buy. A small amount of pure iron can be performed by purification of crude iron with carbon monoxide. In this process, the middle is iron pentacarbonyl, Fe (CO) 5. Carbonyl decomposed by heating to about 250 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™, to form a pure iron powder. Fe + CO → Fe(CO)5 (250 °C) → Fe + 5CO The Fe(CO)5 is a volatile oily complex which is easily flushed from the reaction vessel leaving the impurities behind. Other routes to small samples of pure iron include the reduction of iron oxide, Fe2O3, with hydrogen, H2. Almost all of the iron used in the commercial production of iron and steel industry, with a blast furnace. Most chemistry textbooks covered the blast furnace process. In essence, iron oxide, iron oxide, and reduce the carbon (coke), although the actual reducing agent may be in a furnace carbon monoxide, CO. 2Fe2O3 + 3C → 4Fe + 3CO2 This process is one of the most significant industrial processes in history and the origins of the modern process are traceable back to a small town called Coalbrookdale in Shropshire (England) around the year 1773. The effect of iron on society: Transportation: boats, planes, cars, buses and motorcycles. †¦.. Military equipment: guns, artillery and tanks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Household items: knives, pots and hangers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Appliances: microwave ovens, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines water heaters and computers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Buildings: Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Eiffel Tower†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Alloy: A hard, brittle, nonmalleable iron-carbon alloy, cast into to shape, containing 2 to 4.5 percent carbon, 0.5 to 3 percent silicon, and lesser amounts of sulphur, manganese, and phosphorus. Color Density 1260 2300 Grey 6800 7800kg/m3 3600 6512 Black 2.26 g/cm3 1420 2599 Gray 2.33 g/cm3 1260 2300 Silver 1.738 g/cm3 1530 2786 Gray 7.874 g/cm3 [11] = [12] + [13]+[14] + [11]Cast iron: www.indiamart.com250 [12] Iron: [13] Carbon: [14] Silicon: [15] magnesium: Time line of iron References: Physical properties: Chemistry Explained-iron- Powered by JRank The position on the periodic table: . Historical account: How Products Are Made-Iron ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY-Periodic Table-History ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY-Periodic Table-Extraction [PDF]Page by Alex GuanPage by . –properties of elements:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Locke and the Legitimacy of the State: Right vs. Good :: Essays Papers

Locke and the Legitimacy of the State: Right vs. Good John Locke’s conception of the â€Å"legitimate state† is surrounded by much controversy and debate over whether he emphasizes the right over the good or the good over the right. In the midst of such a profound and intriguing question, Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration, provides strong evidence that it is ineffective to have a legitimate state â€Å"prioritize† the right over the good. Locke’s view of the pre-political state begins with his statement that â€Å"man is ‘naturally in,’ the state of ‘perfect freedom’ and equality,† (Christman 42). Locke believes that man naturally has the capacity for Reason which in turn allows man direct access to moral laws. Reason provides man with his own individual rights and obligations and moral rights and duties. Furthermore, Locke writes that â€Å"‘The State of Nature has a Law of Nature to govern it, which obliges everyone: And Reason, which is that Law, teaches all Mankind, who will consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his Life, Health, Liberty, or Possession,’† (43). Moreover, man needs an authority to protect and preserve these moral rights which can only executed when, as Locke states, when the â€Å" ‘power and jurisdiction is [are] reciprocal,’† (42). Therefore a social cont ract is created when human beings unite and the majority of a people agree upon a particular state which protects mans natural freedom and equality. Consequently, since all human beings have certain moral rights to health, liberty, and possessions; they also have the right to enforce the protection of those rights by way of punishing violators. And it is in this maintaining of ones own rights that it is necessary for man to initially come together and form a social contract. By forming a social contract they are agreeing to sustain from living purely in a state of nature. According to Locke, living in such a state of nature is ‘inconvienent’, for there is no common ground by which to appropriately judge an individual who infringes upon another person natural rights (Christman 43). Therefore, one can not ‘effectively enjoy’ their own rights until they join under a ‘common political authority’ (44).

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Belonging Related Texts Essay

What do you think the most powerful influences that impact on an individual’s sense of belonging? * Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann * The Red Tree by Shaun Tan * Who you are by Jessie J You will almost always find where you belong if you search for it. So ultimately a sense of belonging comes down to perception. This starts from places and/ or relationships, which potentially alter your understanding or you and the world around you, so you can accept the person you are and your individual identity by creating this sense of belonging. In strictly ballroom by Baz Lurhmann, The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and who you are by Jessie J the composers use a wide range of techniques to convey the ideas belonging through forcible authority, challenging authority and alienation. These are illustrated through the concept of belonging to a person or place. These three ideas demonstrate what the most powerful influences are that can cause someone to feel a part of something or not. Forcible authority is illustrated in the film ‘Strictly Ballroom’ by Baz Lurhmann. Forcible authority is when a person or group has the power to make you feel a certain way that you may not agree on and make you feel as though you do or don’t belong. This is conveyed in the film when Barry Fife the president of Australian Dance Federation (ADF) forces Scott Hastings to dance a particular way. The forcible authority is demonstrated in Strictly Ballroom with close ups and bright lighting on Barry’s face. This creates attention and power to the audience’s concept on Barry. Scott then feels isolated from the ADF as a result of Barry’s ideas for the ADF. Forcible Authority is also shown in ‘The Red Tree’ by Shaun Tan. This is conveyed through visual techniques of the little girl standing alone in many pages of the book. The concept of a powerful influence is a little red leaf with â€Å"without sense or reason† this demonstrates herself as a symbol of the ‘little red leaf’ with many factors contributing to that idea. E. g. ‘The little girl with the red hair’ The little girl becomes frustrated by society and not being able to find her place or where she feels she belongs without sense or reason. Here the most powerful influences that influence the little girl is her on mind set on other people and how she see’s everyone trying to conform and belong to a place she hasn’t been nor understands. Forcible authority is again conveyed in the song ‘who you are’ by Jessie J through the singers lyrics. Jessie illustrates a strong opinion on society’s sense of belonging when she states â€Å"forget how to fit the mold, yeah! † this informs the audience that society’s conception of belonging is based on a mould and she feels out casted because she doesn’t know how to find her place in society anymore. Jessie feels as though society has clung to a certain way of thinking and living, this is because of the forcible authority, which is the society as a powerful influence on Jessie’s sense of belonging. Challenging Authority is another idea shown in ‘strictly Ballroom’ this can be when you choose to do something about following other rules from a higher authority. This is illustrated when Scott is introduced to Fran’s grandmother Ya Ya. She explains that dancing comes from the heart. The close ups of Ya Ya’s hands beating the traditional rhythm of the Paso Doble on Scott’s chest gives both Scott and Fran the inspiration to dance their own moves which demonstrates to the Audience how they are challenging authority and now have somewhere to belong to. Challenging authority is illustrated in ‘The Red Tree’ when the little girl struggles to find herself in society; this becomes an issue throughout the whole book, always feeling as though she didn’t belong. The very last page is her standing in her room with a large Red Tree filled with lots of red leaves and you can see that she has accepted herself in the society. She has done this because she has a glowing smile on her face. Jessie demonstrates challenging authority in â€Å"Who you are† by giving advice to other people to be yourself instead of living a lie and following society’s rules. This is illustrated when Jessie sings â€Å"Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars! †Alienation is the estrangement of somebody who is forced or unforced to distance people from each other or of people from what is important or meaningful to them. Strictly Ballroom demonstrates many moments of alienation, one particularly is Scott feeling as though he doesn’t belong in the ADF because he doesn’t confine with the ballroom dancing rules. This is illustrated when himself and Fran dance their own steps and cause a stir in the ADF judging, this is a powerful impact on belonging because if you don’t follow the rules you are forced to feel neglected. Alienation is also illustrated in The Red Tree through pictures and descriptive language. The visual technique as quoted, â€Å"nobody understands†, It is raining and the brushstrokes are soft but distinctive nd the colours are dull and dark creating the audiences idea of how the girl is feeling. The girl is a seclusion to society showing her being an ‘outsider’, the visual techniques are a powerful influence to belonging and clearly demonstrate how the girl feels alienated by society. Jessie J also shows alienation in ‘Who you are’ b y the visual technique in the film clip, Jessie sings â€Å"Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart. † In this particular part she is sitting in an empty bathroom with dim lighting, this demonstrates her feelings of loneliness and confusion. Jessie feels confused because she doesn’t know what the right thing to do is and this causes her alienation to the environment she is in, this particular songs provides proof with her excluding herself from society until she makes up her mind. Jessie being the most powerful influence as she is the only one making the decision to alienate herself. Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann , The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and Who you are by Jessie J all convey powerful influences such as authority to demonstrate people belonging and not belonging . This is conveyed through the techniques of forcible authority, challenging authority and alienation.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Capitalism Essay - 2248 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Within the boundaries in which sale and purchase of commodities and labor-power goes on is the birthplace of the â€Å"innate rights of man† (343). For the fulfillment of their needs, humans rely on the help of others. As Marx says in The German Ideology, â€Å"there exists a materialistic connection of men with one another, which is determined by their needs and their mode of production† (157). In modern capitalism people are connected through a complex global system of trade. This system of production and consumption affects the way people view each other in general. When one participates in the giant domain of production and consumption which generates generic products for generic individuals, she recognizes herself†¦show more content†¦While politics and world trade have provided people with a sense of their universality, they are also highly individualistic modes of organization. People are not necessarily connected to their origin ; the individual is supposedly able to live any lifestyle if he works hard enough. The rights that people are given in this economy are directed towards independent individuals. Every man is for himself – to survive in the world one must work hard to support one’s self. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Capitalism is a system of the exchange of goods based on their relative expenditure of human labor. All of human life seems spent either working to produce goods for others to buy or buying goods from others in order to meet personal wants. Exchange is truly the root of why human rights as they are known were constructed. People must be assured that they will be treated fairly when they come to sell their goods or labor. Political rights exist only when one is a member of an exchanging community. If a family lived in the woods and grew crops it is unlikely that they would proclaim equal rights as independents. They would always work together and have their needs met. Under capitalism people have needs of which they do not have the resources to meet. They must rely onShow MoreRelatedCapitalism And Capitalism1896 Words   |  8 PagesIn the first chapter of his book Capitalism and Freedom, Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman discusses several ideas s uch as the intimate and â€Å"by no means unilateral† correlation between politics and economics, the inefficiency of collectivism and central planning, and the essential role of economic freedom and capitalism in achieving political freedom (8). What all these ideas have in common, though, is that economic freedom precedes political freedom and, as a result, the latter dependsRead MoreCapitalism : Is Capitalism Good?946 Words   |  4 PagesCapitalism is a subject that can be considered deeply controversial. There are many who tout the benefits that capitalism provides to the economy and the progress of human society. There are others who decry that it is a system which promotes selfish motives and extols profits above honesty and genuine goodness. This essay will examine the claims of each and will reach to conclude the answer to the question â€Å"is capitalism good?† The Dawn of Capitalism and its Opposition The advent of the ideal ofRead MoreCapitalism And Socialism And Capitalism1952 Words   |  8 PagesFor more than a century capitalism and socialism have been contending to be the best economic system. Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry that is controlled by private owners for profit. Capitalism is the heart and soul of America s economy. 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In fact, almost all of the countries generally considered the best to live in have capitalist governments. This is no coincidence, because capitalism greatly increases the rights of individuals. Capitalism is the ideology that involves individuals owning their own propertiesRead MoreArticle Review On Capitalism And Capitalism1844 Words   |  8 PagesCaleb Wilson Essay on Capitalism Instructors: Christel Smith, Kurt Banzhaf, and Kayla Colfack English 12 and American Government April 12, 2015 CAPITALISM !1 It has been around since the Middle Ages, that we know of, and most likely before that. It is usually the first type of economy before evolving into another kind. Its main sources of life are competition and an ever changing society. This almost living breathing creature of our own device is called capitalism. Capitalism has been the biggestRead MoreCapitalism : The Embodiment And Nature Of Capitalism Essay2141 Words   |  9 Pagesembodiment and nature of capitalism. A man called Robert Heilbroner (March 24, 1919 – January 4, 2005) rose in the twentieth century as a regarded American economist and historian of economic thought understood for his worries about the two realms of capitalism. A first person examination of capitalism in light of Robert Heilbroner s thoughts as exhibited in the book twenty-first century capitalism. This article addresses how Robert Heilbroner s two realms of capitalism are both useful and uselessRead MoreCritique Of American Capitalism And Capitalism2411 Words   |  10 PagesCapitalism is not a rigid, inflexible economic and political system—there are many forms of capitalism around the world. It is illustrated as being different variations of capitalism outside the United States; there is the Dutch version, the Fre nch version, the British version, as well as the American version. American capitalism implements free-market ideology and that makes the U.S. stand out among other nations. 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In the 1940s the beginning of capitalism 2.0 otherwise known as stakeholder capitalism. Stakeholder capitalism is basically a market system that the companies only treat the interests of major stakeholders equally, rather than favoring the investors. The second use of capitalism is capitalism 3.0 otherwise